Introduction to 3D Printing for Cultural Heritage

Museums, libraries, and archives have seen a growing presence of 3D printed objects within the past 10-15 years, both in the context of objects entering collections and as a tool for preservation and access activities. As consumers of the technology, collecting institutions have applied 3D printing in areas such as conservation treatments, in the storage, display, and transit of objects, and education and public engagement activities. This webinar will provide an introduction to 3D printing for preservation professionals. Information covered will include an overview of 3D printing processes, terminology, commonly printed materials, and application areas within a cultural heritage setting. This webinar will also discuss findings from a recent field-wide survey on 3D printing and 3D printed objects in collecting institutions and highlight ongoing research at IPI in this area. This webinar is provided at no cost, thanks to funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Meredith Noyes, Research Scientist



August 24, 2023 - August 24, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EDT